Alamo Heights Little League was founded in 1949. Over 1200 kids participate in our Spring Season, February through May. Our Fall Ball program held mid-September through November, has several hundred participants, with the purpose to help develop skills and further knowledge of the game.
Our Volunteers and Sponsors make it all happen. Our parents help with coaching, providing other support during practice and games. See the Volunteer page for more about how to volunteer. Sponsors help us with everything from uniforms to field maintenance. See the Sponsorship Page to see how to participate in this great program. Your contribution can be small or large, and the billboards around the fields are unique opportunities to reach the community. Our Constitution is here.


AHLL 2023-2024 Officers

Joe Johnston, President  

Todd Allison, Treasurer
Amanda Sykes, Safety Officer
John Peterek, Facilities Director 
Steve Zackary, Concessions/Bingo Chair   
Rhett Shirley, Baseball Commissioner
Chance Mazurek, Softball Commissioner

2023-2024 Alamo Heights Little League,

Board of Directors

Todd Allison, Phillip Baker, Tim Baumgartner, 
Matt Bishop, Tim Brown, Courtney Burton, Jon Butler, 
Joe ChristianChris Embrey, Alberto Escalante,
Adam Esquibel, Nathaniel Garza,
 John Hanna, 
 Joe Johnston, Kyle Kennan, Matt Maroney,
Chance Mazurek, Ross Ormond, John Peterek, 
Chris Shannon, Rhett Shirley, Amanda Sykes,
Tyler Turlington, Ben Vaello, Brad Worth,
John Wright, 
Steve Zachary

 In Memoriam: Billy Blake, Mark Butler, Brad Young


Joe Johnston

AHLL Admin


Rhett Shirley, Baseball Commissioner

           Chance Mazurek, Softball Commissioner

Our Constitution is here. Questions, Concerns, or Complaints must be submitted IN WRITTING via email to the President of Alamo Heights Little League at